Vivio Support is ONLINE

The Concept

The idea behind Infrastructure Support is that Vivio can help you do the things that you are unable to do remotely. This covers many things, but includes things like console information reporting, connectivity diagnostics, lockout correction, etc. You do most management yourself, but in the rare case that you need help from an actual technician on site with the hardware, we can help.

What is covered

Because Infrastructure Support is intended to cover aspects of the service that you are unable to do remotely, it’s relatively easy to determine what is covered or not covered. Infrastructure would not include, however, anything that adds to the service (like custom hardware) or anything that changes the service (like reinstalling the OS). Hands-on help in those areas requires SysOps Support.

How do I get it

Infrastructure Support is included on almost every product and service we offer, with the only exceptions being where it doesn’t make sense or isn’t required, like SSL certificates, for example. Since SSL’s are digital goods the aspect of being physically present does not apply.

The Specifics

What is specifically included in Infrastructure Support.

Server Reboots

We will reboot a server if it's locked up, or otherwise unresponsive remotely.

Verify Cable Connections

We will verify network, power, or other cable connections are secured and responsive.

Indicator Light Reporting

We will watch and report on indicator lights (such as network cable, power lights, etc).

Console Information Reporting

We will check and report information as it appears on the system console.

DNS Entry Replication

We will slave an unlimited number of DNS zones from your server to our DNS servers.

Hardware Failure Diagnostics

We will assist in diagnosing hardware or operating system failures which prevent remote access.

Simple Monitoring

Several server monitors are configured by default when we create your account.

Connectivity Diagnostics

If you're having trouble connecting to your server, Vivio technicians can help you diagnose where the problem is and if possible, correct it.

Lock-out Correction

Getting locked out of your server happens to the best of us. If it happens to you, contact us and we'll work with you to restore your access.

Simple Backup Support

Servers with our backup service get free of charge bare-metal restores for non booting servers. And we assist with backup client errors.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Never settle. If you're unhappy with your Vivio account for any reason, simply cancel your account within 30 days for a full refund. No pressure. No risk. *Terms and Conditions may apply.

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Velocity Backups are powered by business-class SSD storage arrays - enabling you to backup, restore and manage your cloud backups faster than ever before.