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SmarterStats Hosting

Private Website Analytics

Powerful and actionable reporting that helps you build your site without sharing private data with large corporations.

SmarterStats Professional licensing

starting at:


for up to 50 Sites

* hosting service not included in licensing cost

SmarterStats Enterprise licensing

starting at:


for up to 50 Sites

* hosting service not included in licensing cost

SmarterStats Pricing Table

* hosting service not included in licensing cost

Software Sites Cost /mo
SmarterStats Professional 50 $43.75
250 $64.58
1000 $116.67
2500 $208.33
SmarterStats Enterprise 50 $64.58
250 $116.67
1000 $183.33
2500 $258.33
5000 $341.67
10000 $562.50
20000 $979.17
30000 $1,104.17

The information you need to make smart decisions for your online business

Discover Actionable Reporting

Web analytics, website health reporting, email reports, and more

SmarterStats is a web log analysis tool that gives you the knowledge of how your site visitors are interacting with your web site. SmarterStats supports both Apache and IIS log files.

Easily find the information you need

SmarterStats provides accurate website statistics that reflect actual customer behavior. Discover where your visitors are from, which sites referred them, and how they move through your website.

Identify and correct critical SEO issues

SmarterStats shows you the exact page URL, and the reason the page was flagged, plus SmarterStats offers some basic guidelines for correcting the errors and getting the website back on track.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Never settle. If you're unhappy with your Vivio account for any reason, simply cancel your account within 30 days for a full refund. No pressure. No risk. *Terms and Conditions may apply.

Backup Your Data Fast

Velocity Backups are powered by business-class SSD storage arrays - enabling you to backup, restore and manage your cloud backups faster than ever before.