cPanel Hosting Logo

Powered by cPanel

The cPanel Hosting Control Panel makes system administration easy.

pricing image
cPanel Accounts
Velocity Storage
Bandwidth Included
Daily Backups
Weekly Backups
SysOps Monitors
100% Uptime Guarantee
30-day Guarantee
10-Pack cPanel Accounts
100K INODE Pack
10GB Storage Pack
Dedicated IP
Advanced DNS Editor
DNSSEC Support
Email Accounts
Outgoing Email Limit
Web-Based Email
Virus Protection (ClamAV)
Spam Protection
SpamExperts Incoming
SpamExperts Outgoing
SSH/Shell Access
CloudLinux Isolation
Malware Scanning
Update Notifications
Antivirus Scanning
Free SSL
Commercial SSL
WordPress Installer
Joomla Installer
Drupal Installer
PrestaShop Installer
Magento Installer
Number of MySQL DB's
DB Connections
Remote MySQL

CloudLinux Protection

All Simple Website Hosting accounts are protected by CloudLinux isolation. The following are the container sizes applied to each account type.

Setting Standard Ultra Reseller
CPU Utilization
Vivio's CPU Limits are the best in the industry!
1 Core (100%) 2 Core (200%) 3 Core (300%)
Physical Memory
Indicates how much memory may be ACTIVELY USED by an account's processing threads. Since similar processes (like PHP) share memory, the amount of Physical Memory needed is typically much lower then Virtual Memory.
1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
Number of Processes
Indicates how many total threads can be spawned by an account's applications.
400 500 600
I/O Limit
Indicates how much data can be written or pulled from storage at any given time.
1024 KB/s 2048 KB/s 3072 KB/s
I/O Operations per Second
Indicates the number of total read/write operations that can be processed per second.
1024 IOPS 2048 IOPS 3072 IOPS
Files (inodes)
Indicates total number of files, dirctories and symlinks an account can utilize at any given time.
250,000 250,000 250,000

Reduce Risk by 80%

automated security updates

Stay Informed on Updates

patch scans performed nightly

Automated Malware Removal

malware removal can be tricky

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Easily Install 100's of Free Apps

The Softaculous Auto-Installer makes installing open-source applications like WordPress and Joomla as easy as clicking a button.

No Term Contracts

Vivio's pricing is honest and up-front with no strings attached. You can cancel freely at any time.

Automatic Patching

Your WordPress install can be configured to install patches and updates automatically. Ask us how!

No Bandwidth Limits

Unlike other providers, Vivio does not impose any per-GB bandwidth limits on any of our website hosting plans.

Free Virus Scanning

Vivio includes free anti-virus scanning, anti-malware scanning, and patch notifications by default.

No Visitor Limits

Unlike other providers, Vivio does not impose any per-visitor limits. Resources are your only limit, which you control.

100% Uptime

Vivio's SLA provides you an astonishing 100% uptime guarantee. It's real, and it's guaranteed.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Never settle. If you're unhappy with your Vivio account for any reason, simply cancel your account within 30 days for a full refund. No pressure. No risk. *Terms and Conditions may apply.

Backup Your Data Fast

Velocity Backups are powered by business-class SSD storage arrays - enabling you to backup, restore and manage your cloud backups faster than ever before.